Saturday, May 10, 2008


It’s been a busy few weeks here. Jimmy and I have been preparing for the end of the year. I can’t believe that we only have 9 more days of school left! It’s been an interesting year and I know that Jimmy and I both have learned a lot this year that will be put to good use in the coming years.

This past week the 3T-8th grades had culture week. The students were required to go to math, reading and writing in the morning. After lunch our students went to dancing and then had a variety of classes that they signed up for. They included beading, carving, NYO (Native Youth Olympics), outdoor survival, yo-yo making, doll making, mask making, singing and drumming, and needle case. It was a nice break for the teacher and students alike. I was in charge of helping out with the carving group. Now carving is a male activity so it was quite interesting to learn. I just wanted to watch but the boys insisted that I should give it a try. I figured why not; I was going to be there 3 hours everyday for 4 days. Many of the boys were really nice, and showed me what I was doing. I ended up making two boats out of the process.

Yesterday the students from 7th grade through high school went to prom. Friday afternoon was spent decorating the whole common area with various things to make it look like a prom. The gym had been closed all week while the junior class was decorating the dancing area. This of course left Jimmy with some creative planning because he teaches a gym class. Also the entire school had to eat in the common area where there is carpet. Instead of getting to play after they ate, the students had to watch various movies--mostly Veggie Tales and Kung-Fu.

While we were helping out decorating on Friday afternoon, I felt like I got to go back in time, through the various jobs that I have had. I had the privilege of taking off the nasty food stained plastic off the floor and vacuuming up all the excess spilt/left-over food. It reminded me of vacuuming a certain office while I was growing up. I also got to help out in the kitchen. I got to wear the hair net and all, just like when I worked in the dinning commons in college. It looked really nice when everything was finished!

They needed volunteers to help out that night so Jimmy and I decided to help out in the kitchen during prom. The dance was from 7-midnight. We showed up around 8:40 PM with helping hands. Thankfully Nicole (my peer coaching partner) had a dress that I could borrow so I didn’t have to wear my normal sweatshirt and jeans. It was so nice to see all the staff that came to the event and to see all the students being happy at the exact same time. The pictures you see are from the commons area of our school. Jimmy and I even posed for a picture.

Today our power went out around 1:00 and has been out ever since. We are currently at school where they have backup generators. Many teachers are here enjoying the warmth and electricity. We are still on a water shortage so I have been wearing the same pair of jeans for two weeks now. I am hoping to be able to wash our massive piles of laundry in the next few days if they let us. However, only time will tell if we will be sweaty-smelling when we go back to Michigan.

Next week will be our last full week of school. The gym will again be closed due to the school getting ready for graduation ceremonies. We will have 4 students graduating this year.

The other pictures were shot on various nights. I have been trying to stay up late enough to take some sunset pictures. The sky is so beautiful when the sun goes down here. However, it’s usually around 11:30 so I have been opening the bedroom window to take them right before I go to bed.


mary-ller said...

Your guys prom picture looks so cute... Well hows everything doing where you guys are??? well l8ter Mr. Dunn and I'll keep taking photos and remembering your tips.

Anonymous said...

hahahahhaha kiss up mary! haha jk


Hey Dunn!!
Your gunna miss us!!!
your loss ;(

God bless take care!
I hope your next students are nice.